Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One giant step for bloggers...

In the world of blogging, we've stepped up to the next level... our blog was recently sited on another blog. Granted, it is one of our dear friend's blog, but nevertheless... check it out (by the way, the author of the blog a) has the cutest pups, see pic and b) is hitting Hollywood by storm!):

"A Beloved Blog
I have these two friends, we'll call them Bec and Aaron, that have a blogspot together, that I love love love to visit. They love each other and they love life and it's fun to read about their thoughts and experiences and even more fun to see a couple doing a joint blog like that (I can just hear AJ now saying in the background his familiar quip "Don't even think about it!" every time I talk about this to someone...) but I just find it to be so neat to read their different perspectives, their different voices as they come through on the page, and yet also their similarities... which are just as apparent. The two of them live in NYC (ok, Hoboken) and are spending a little under a year in China-- Shanghai to be exact-- and they started the blog to keep up with their friends and loved ones back here in AMERICA.In many ways, their stories reminded me of our experience being Angelinos amongst the Filipinos. Then, there's that whole West vs East comparison... and in the begining, they too, were separated and experiencing most of their relationship via SKYPE-- but now they are both there, and I am back here, and it's just a neat way for me to communicate with them, even if I don't see them every day. I don't when they are in America, actually-- so I feel like I am "seeing" them even more now that they are in CHINA! Kinda funny...Anyway just thought I would share that little tidbit. They write well and it's entertaining. And they're just really cute and lovely people. "

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