While there are still several other notable experiences to share from the past couple of weeks, Rebecca and I had a very blog-worthy evening. Our good Chinese friend, Vince, invited us to his parents' home for dinner with his parents and to play badminton afterwards with his father and his girlfriend Jing-Jing. We had very good home-cooked meal and enjoyed fun and competitive rallies in badminton. While both Rebecca and my badminton skills are improving, we have a long way to go. Mr. Gu (our driver) picked up Rebecca and me and we gave Vince and Jing-Jing a ride home as well. During the drive, we asked Vince to translate into Chinese several lingering practical questions to Mr. Gu, since there are some things that are hard to communicate to him and because Vince's English-speaking ability is outstanding. Vince was very helpful in clearing up some of our questions about Mr. Gu's availability and coordinating our schedules. We also conveyed how much we like Mr. Gu and the feelings appeared mutual. We dropped off Vince and Jing-Jing and headed home. Apparently, something happened during these translations with Mr. Gu that set-off a entirely new level of conversational comfort because of came next:
Mr. Gu: You know Roy? Lena driver?
Us: Yeah (We know Roy. Mr. Gu and Roy are beer-drinking buddies)
Mr. Gu: Roy go with Lena, Matt to Shenzen Friday (Lena and Matt are Rebeca's coworkers, Shenzen is a place in China)
Us: Oh, yeah?
Mr. Gu: Roy go to bar. Meet beautiful girl (making the silhouette of girl with his hands while he's driving)
Us: Really?!
Mr. Gu: Yes! Roy stay girl Shenzen. Yesterday girl come Shanghai.
Us: Wow...Roy!!! (Roy is known to be a ladies' man among the drivers)
Mr. Gu: Roy, girl, sex! You know sex?! (for some reason he yells "sex")
Us: (laughing and a bit caught off guard) Yes, we know! We know!
Mr. Gu: Roy ask Gu find hotel. Not 300 yuan, not 500 yuan, 200 yuan! (500 yuan = $60 USD)
Us: Wow, Roy!
Mr. Gu: No hotel 200 yuan! Roy come my home. My wife say, "No way!" Chinese people no like friend sex in home! You know!? My wife say, "No way Gu!" (still screaming "sex" each time)
Rebecca (laughing hysterically): Not just Chinese people no like friend sex in home! (she oftens communicates to Chinese people in broken English. We both do, seriously.)
Mr. Gu: Roy go parents home with girl. They say, "no way!"
Us: Where did Roy go?
Mr. Gu (as we're pulling up to our apt): Hotel. Roy, sex, 5 time!!! (exclaiming it by showing us all of his 5 fingers) Roy very strong! My wife say, "Roy very strong!" (he's repeatedly making a muscle with his bicep as he declares Roy's apparent strength). Sex, 5 time! I die. Roy and my wife! Oy. Roy strong. (he didn't actually say "oy" but it was the Chinese equivalent)
Us (rolling out of the car laughing): Roy strong, Roy strong!
Apparently, Mr. Gu's English is improving...as is Roy's sex life and strength!
With the immense Presidential Security convey (something like 25 vehicles
including a SWAT Team, Ambulance, something with a BIG Gun and about 15
big, bla...
16 years ago
that was WAY too funny!
i love mr. gu
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