Despite the drama that preceded my 3rd visit to the tailor, I was pretty confident that everything would work out. Also, we had just booked our flights home for the wedding and I now knew that I would have a solid week in the USA. Worst case scenario: take the dress as is ("hun dwan" -- too small) and get it fixed at home.
Aaron came with me this time. He brought his camera and was ready for drama. Unfortunately, as these things usually go, when you actually bring a witness, nothing really happens. (Its like how your car stops making the funny noise as soon as you take it to the shop).
This time the scene was different:
It wasn't as hot. It was raining out and had cooled down to the high 70's.
The shop was cleaner, as if they scrubbed the floors some.
Nobody was hanging around outside the shop (probably because of the rain).
The fabric that Annelies held up for me to change behind was huge, too big for her to hold all the edges. (look closely at the first photo)
The only thing that was the same was the mean lady would still not move out of the corner for me to change. But, by this point, I didn't care. Not worth arguing with her. If she really wants to watch me change, then go for it. "Oooo, American Body. So large."
When I put on the dress, it was actually OK. Not 100% perfect, but good enough. It zipped, which was critical. And the length was right. Still a little stain on the strap and the little snag on the chest. Also, the straps weren't perfectly altered. But, good enough. (see middle photo) And, at this point, I was ready to be done.
I paid my $10, and certainly got my money's worth: A dress that fit. A rich cultural experience. And, most importantly, a funny story. Anybody need alterations? I know a great Chinese guy...
One unsolved mystery that I noticed on my final visit: what's with the curious stove in the tailor shop? (see third photo)
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