Clockwise from the top right:
1) The tiniest cup of water you've ever seen on an airplane. Size: Average adult, 2 sips. A Dad, 1 sip (didn't your dad ever say, let me have a bite and then he'd eat half the sandwich?). And a child = 3-4 sips. The water is good and clean, just highly rationed.
2) A slice of cake that tastes exactly like my Grandma Ruth's Passover Sponge Cake. YUM. Don't worry Grandma, yours is still better!
3) In the green package are Onion Cookies. Yep, Onion Cookies. If Sour-Cream-N-Onion Potato Chips and Lorna Doone Cookies had a baby... I actually really liked them. AP, not so much (more for me!).
4) On the bottom left we have our "Wet Turban." In America, we know this as a Wet-Nap.
5) Ahh, the infamous Chinese Airline rolls. For some reason, Chinese airlines seem to provide a lot of white bread. This particular flight gave us 2 rolls. Bring on the peanut butter and jelly and I'm set! Unfortunately, trusty PP&J don't fly the Friendly Chinese Skies.
6) Top left, the box that all the food comes in. Not sure why fruity desserts with whip cream are pictured on the sides ... But written on the box are funny messages like: "Welcome to you happiness in the airplane" and "China Eastern smile to you comfort."
7) The small package in the top center are "Aviation Pickles" which as best as Aaron and I can figure out is pickled radish in an airtight bag (expiration date 2050). I have yet to try said pickles but I always see AP putting them on one of his many rolls. I guess he isn't at a loss for Mr. PB and Mrs. J.
8) The Yellow Bag is my favorite Chinese Airplane food: Dried fruits. Mangos, Apples, Bananas. Delish.
9) And last but not least, the small blue package in the middle: "Gluten Moistey Ball." Otherwise known as a mint.
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