After our trip to the US ("BTD" (blog-to-do)), I brought my rollerblades with me back to Shanghai. Yesterday, I rollerbladed around Shanghai for the first time. It was awesome, including the smog and 95 degree (35 celcius here) heat. First of all, I was like a mini-celebrity. Everyone of all ages starred at me. They're not really used to seeing a Westerner in the "bike lanes" (a term that only loosely defines the real function of the lane) and they're definitely not used to seeing anyone on rollerblades. Many people pulled up next to me on their bikes and scooters and smiled or said hello - some in English, some in Mandarin. I had a few friendly impromptu races with some of the bikers as well. I saw the city from a different perspective than from the backseat of Mr. Gu's car, or even walking around. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me because the highlight of the trip was seeing an older woman on her even older bike with an even older wooden bird cage WITH A BIRD IN IT! strapped to the front of her handlebars, like you would see a basket on the front of the bike in the US. By the way she was acting, I really don't think she was transporting the bird from store to home. I'm fairly certain she was taking the bird out for a ride. It would have made a great photo, but it will just have to live on in my imagination. Amidst the chaos of the buses and vegetable carts is a woman taking a pleasant afternoon bike ride with her bird! Sidenote: While you may think that your Grandfather's old dusty dirty clanky two-speed Schwinn is worthless, it's considered a prime jewel in China. When bikes go to die, they head to China. Bikes must think, "who needs botox when we've got China?" All of the the bikes here are filthy and look like they were just salvaged from a place with LOTS of spiderwebs. But, they are 100% functional and many people here ride 2-people (or more) to a bike, with someone sitting on the back rails, if female, often in a skirt. How they manage not to get their feet or clothing mangled into the gears or the spokes is source of constant amazement. They also don't sweat. I was absolutely soaked when I got home and these guys are biking around in suits, manage not to need those silly plastic ties that prevent your pant legs from getting greasy, and need only a dab of the brow to be ready for work. No wonder Johnson and Johnson needs Rebecca here - no baby powder is needed!
With the immense Presidential Security convey (something like 25 vehicles
including a SWAT Team, Ambulance, something with a BIG Gun and about 15
big, bla...
16 years ago
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